The 59-year-old college drop-out finds seven hours to be the best amount of sleep for optimal creativity the following day, also reports the Times.“Even though it’s fun to stay up all night, maybe taking a red-eye flight, if I have to be creative I need seven hours. I can give a speech without much sleep, I can do parts of my job that way, but in thinking creatively, I’m not much good without seven hours.”
Barack Obama
不用多说,奥巴马必然公事繁忙。即便是休息时间里他也手机(BlakBerry)不离身。常常他要和政府幕僚开会都已经是11点,之后他还要读各类报告(reading briefing papers)或起草文件(doing paperwork)到深夜2点都是常有的事。